Trip to Haiti, Summer 2014

In accordance with the outcome objectives 4a (Provides a discerning, coherent accounting of one’s internal and external vocations and motivations to pursue ministry or other related field) and 4c (Expresses a clear understanding of the relationship between one’s professional identity and the life and mission of the church in the world), this is a media presentation describing my most recent trip to Haiti in July, 2014.

In Partnership with The Haiti Education Alliance (THEA), Thirsty People provided water filters and business training to Haitians who sell the water filters locally.  Not only do these filters meet a basic health and economic need of the local villagers, the business members are  associated with the local church, and use the education on clean water that they provide as a means to share their faith with their neighbors.  Working with THEA, as a physical therapist, I helped to establish a rehabilitation clinic at a local hospital and helped to establish an MOU agreement between the hospital and THEA to hire a recent Rehabilitation Technician Training Program student as a Rehabilitation Technician at the hospital.   THEA is affecting poverty at one of its root causes, lack of education to people in this village.  By paying for students to finish high school, offering medical education classes and classes in nutrition and agriculture training, encouraging and enabling the pursuit of higher education, and now enabling employment for these professionals, THEA is breaking down the barriers that contribute to lack of education, financial and spiritual poverty.  This directly affects the local church as members are now becoming educated providers for their families and contributing economically to the church.  As a partner in this process, I am challenged to develop Haitians in culturally relevant ways as professionals, business members, and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Prezi presentation of trip to Haiti

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