Kyle Dickson's Archive

Laura’s People

0 Commentsby   |  03.07.12  |  Photography Gruene, Spring 2012

Kyle’s odds and ends

2 Commentsby   |  03.05.12  |  Photography Gruene, Spring 2012

Really enjoyed shooting with everyone. These are mostly from an early morning walk and the previous days shooting on Lake Dunlap. Great weekend.


Behind the Scenes from March

1 Commentby   |  03.04.12  |  Behind the Scenes, Photography Gruene, Spring 2012

Thanks to everyone who joined us in Gruene this weekend. Here are a few photos from the workshop.

Do feel free to send favorite snapshots of your colleagues. These won’t count as part of your 5-10 unless they’re one of your portraits. **Depending on the size of your images, you may need to separate them into two different email messages.

4 more- Jack M

1 Commentby   |  10.24.11  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2011

More from Gruene

5 Commentsby   |  10.24.11  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2011


Από το iPad μου

Nil, long exposure!

4 Commentsby   |  10.24.11  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2011


Από το iPad μου

Potter in Gruene

0 Commentsby   |  10.24.11  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2011


Από το iPad μου


3 Commentsby   |  10.24.11  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2011

Από το iPad μου

Blues in Gruene

2 Commentsby   |  10.24.11  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2011

**Photo Galleries use Lightbox. CLICK on the first photo and then RIGHT AND LEFT ARROW KEYS will help move from one to the next.**

Didn’t get to shoot a lot Saturday, but here are a few to get us started.

Photos taken with a Canon 5D with either a 24-70mm or 70-200mm lens.

Behind the Scenes – KD

2 Commentsby   |  10.24.11  |  Behind the Scenes, Photography Gruene, Fall 2011

Just a few pics from the weekend. Thanks to all for making this a rich experience.

Kyle Dickson's Comment Archive

  1. Kyle Dickson on photos from Ginna
    8:10 am, 04.13.11

    Something as simple as two pieces of wood meeting. Love the feel of their texture.

  2. Kyle Dickson on Al's Photos
    12:02 am, 04.12.11

    So many great textures from metal–whether chrome, sheet metal, or trusty porch chairs. Your photos are almost tactile.

    I’d second Nil’s note about the river. Nice feeling of movement. . .

  3. Kyle Dickson on Houston's Pics
    11:33 pm, 04.11.11

    In our second semester, I think I’m impressed with how many different looks the omnipresent water tower gives from different angles and times of day.

  4. Donald,
    Got it fixed. Thanks for sharing some astonishing work. Could you tell everyone how you pulled off the multiple-exposure shots, whether in the camera or later in software.

  5. Kyle Dickson on Jana's photos
    11:57 pm, 10.24.10

    Thanks also to Nil for taking time to comment on everyone’s work. I know everyone appreciated the time he invested in the day long workshop, but this is equally insightful.

    Jana, we were glad that you could join us as well. Great weekend and great pics.

  6. Kyle Dickson on Bill Rankin's iPhone Pix
    8:03 am, 10.20.10

    Still amazing to me that this level of images was produced on a phone. I know you edited some of your point and shoot photos in Aperture, but did you do any color processing on these (on your laptop or iPhone)? Really nice.

  7. Kyle Dickson on Gruene Weekend Overview
    9:03 pm, 10.12.10

    Thanks to Bill Rankin for our initial photos to kick off the site.