Kyle Dickson's Archive

Five from Kyle D

0 Commentsby   |  10.21.10  |  Photography Gruene, Fall 2010

Behind, part 2

2 Commentsby   |  10.17.10  |  Behind the Scenes, Photography Gruene, Fall 2010

Behind the Scenes

0 Commentsby   |  10.17.10  |  Behind the Scenes, Photography Gruene, Fall 2010

Feel free to send along any photos of other Digital Academy participants. Here are a few of my favorites.

Kyle Dickson's Comment Archive

  1. This is such a totally different skill set than the hundreds of pictures most people have taken in their lives. Just fun to break out of the routine and see how you could play with light.

    Really appreciated everyone striking out in faith to try something completely new.

  2. Still loving these photos of the smokestack looking toward Albany. Nil tells me that any of us that left exposures open for more than 45 seconds or so will see a natural blur to the stars. Whether you believe in Ptolemy or Copernicus, the difficulty is that the stars just won’t sit still.

    Nil found an optional astronomical tripod mount if someone would like to spring for the $400-500. . .

  3. Kyle Dickson on Laura's pic
    4:28 pm, 09.27.11

    Absolutely love the single beam of light creating the slice of prairie across the middle of the image. Really nice.

    Are those windmills on the horizon?

    • Kyle Dickson on Laura's pic
      4:29 pm, 09.27.11

      I love this shot as well. I think you’re right, I can see the little red lights from the windmills too.

      (**Sorry, Nil, I inadvertently deleted your comment, so I’ve added it back. . . KD)

  4. Kyle Dickson on IMG_0023
    4:35 pm, 09.26.11

    Absolutely love the single beam of light creating the slice of prairie across the middle of the image. Really nice.

    Are those windmills on the horizon?

  5. Come on, you know you really want an avatar. . .

  6. Kyle Dickson on more favorites from Nil
    8:27 am, 04.13.11

    Funny how shooting a wide angle lens on your full-frame camera looks different than in my pics of the same stage from the same spot. I like the slight blur of the strumming fingers a lot.

  7. Kyle Dickson on Powers contribution
    8:20 am, 04.13.11

    The bumper sticker is great setting the others in context but I love the way you see a skewed picture of the world in the chrome.

  8. Seems like Camille and Houston were talking with the group and Mike is in the foreground taking a picture. Haunting.

  9. Kyle Dickson on Hilary's Photos
    8:16 am, 04.13.11

    The simple license plate shot is striking and almost monochromatic in feel with little color info drawing your attention. Nice.