Reflection on Pre-Mac

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When we were reflecting on Pre-Mac, the personality test we took at the retreat, I told my team how amazing God is for creating people. People are created in God’s image, and yet everyone is so unique. All types and personalities come from God’s image. Jesus is a provider, a teacher, a protector, a champion, a mastermind and also the personality types. God’s image is huge.  To know another person is a way of connecting with God, yet we can never understand God, because we even cannot completely understand ourselves, the part of God’s image.

According to Pre-Mac test, I am the champion which belongs to the idealist type. Most of this type matches how I see my personality. Learning my type helps me to understand myself more and to develop my potential. Those who are champions have enthusiasm is that boundless and contagious, which makes us the most inspiring of the sixteen types. We also like experiencing all kinds of things and sharing stories with others. Being with people and doing things do not make me tired. This type also says that we think emotionally intense experiences are very important for our life. I know I get emotional very easy. I always try to not get emotional, especially within my own stories. Learning how to deal with my own feeling is part of my life.



It is very interesting for me to reflect on what the test results say about how I am individualistic and do not like dependency because I am from a collective culture. Compared with other Chinese, I feel more individualistic, but compared with Americans, I feel more collective. I am not sure whether individualism is a part of culture or personality.

The test is right that my attention is never passive or casual and is always directed, but I do not think of myself as being extra sensitive and alert. It says that I am capable of intense concentration on another individual and this is something I am trying to do more and practice more. Carol can do this very well; she can talk with others and pay attention to them and I know I also have this capability to concentrate on another individual. My friend said that God gave me ears for listening to him.

The book says that champions have outstanding intuitive powers and believe we can tell what is going on inside of others.  This is very much true about myself but it is not a very good trait. A lot of times, I think my sense is right, which leads to control. I am practicing letting go of my control.

I think I am good with people and have personal relationships with all kinds of different friends. I think this is a good trait for being missionary. I am glad that God give me this personality.

The test is right that almost anything that interests me. My friends always want to know what my favorites are. They will ask me which kind of music, coIor or anything I like best and my answer is usually always all of them.  It also is easy for me to lose interest though, because I can always come up new ideas. Therefore, sometimes, I will quit if I lose my interests because I can become bored quickly with repeating things.

I also learned that champions are outstanding in getting people together, and are good at initiating meetings and conferences. I believe I probably have this potential, but I have never thought about this ability before. I am trying to do more with my Chinese friends, like getting them together to do things. I hope  the test is right that this is my gift.

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