Project Update for May 17 – July 9, 2010

by   |  07.10.10  |  Uncategorized

Over the last two months, the majority of the construction on the Student Recreation Center has been structural. Most construction is still being done below ground level; once more construction moves above ground, progress will be easily observable from outside the construction zone and fence.

The gas main and sewer line, located back in April, have finally been relocated. This unexpected relocation of the gas main has caused the project to carry a roughly 52 day delay. Currently, the project is in a revised recovery schedule, and is expected to have regained the time by the end of the year, put the project back on schedule.

Of the 320 structural piers, 120 piers have been completed. Full pier completion is expected to be done by the end of August.

There are five areaways to be dug and built for the Student Recreation Center. One has been dug and had the concrete poured, three are in the process of being formed up, and one is being dug.

The digging for the new pool is now complete, and repairs for the pre-existing drains and the new plumbing will begin soon.

The piers in the basement are in process; in the next couple of weeks, formation of the basement walls will begin.

A revised electrical lay-out for the new cardiovascular equipment has been completed.

Finally, stone and brick color samples have been looked over, and are expected by July 22.