
Performance Notes:  In this post, I’ve included the performance commentary in the video following the performance of Obadiah. (You can jump to the commentary starting at the 04:45 mark.) I told this live for the first time with a group of men at a Come before...

Luke 16:1–9

  Performance Notes:  The so-called “parable of the dishonest manager” found in Luke 16:1–9 is among Jesus’s most shocking and confusing teachings. So, when prompted to explore a biblical story as part of my participation in the Academy for Biblical Storytelling,...

Matthew 3:13—4:11

Performance Notes:  Thank you to the Abilene Christian University Office of Spiritual Formation for the opportunity to share this story as part of a series of videos supporting their fall 2020 Chapel program.  A few brief performance notes are included in the video...

1 Peter 1:1–12

Performance Notes:  The poetic opening to 1 Peter reminds the audience about the salvation they have received from God in order to encourage them to remain faithful in the midst of their present trials. (Warning: I tried to write less, but—what can I say?—1 Peter...


Performance Notes:   I first performed Philippians as part of the “Using Performance to Teach the Bible” Workshop at the 2019 SBL Annual Meeting in San Diego. My presentation, “Using Performance to Explore Literary Unity,” included several...