Scott’s Reflection

0 Commentsby   |  02.09.11  |  Reflection (P1)

ne thing that bugs me about my redesign is a few things that ended up getting left out. I forgot to include the “connect to AIGA” section which includes facebook, twitter, linked in, ect. I even included it in my wireframe so I’m disappointed I didn’t catch it. The opportunity to be able to connect with AIGA and easily share what you find on the site is important.

I think some of my navigation and logo treatment is too large. The real problem is editing the file easily. I have my psd files really organized but it is still difficult to go back and resize and move a bunch of different elements to change the overall look and feel. I feel like once you build elements from pieces of other built elements things tend to become harder to change because you would have to go back and change all of the elements individually. I’m not sure how to make this easier on myself, but I know it at least helps that my files are super organized.

I think because of the fact that I design elements from other elements sketching needs to become a larger part of my process. Because I start with one element and go from there, the design style starts to become set in stone the farther I get. The more I explore in an easily editable format like sketching, the better off the project should be. The opportunity to explore more different styles before I even touch the computer would be far better.

I also think I should sketch individual elements instead of just entire page layout. I really didn’t even consider doing this before. It becomes even more important if I am copying the style of an element that I had already built.

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