Hale reflection

0 Commentsby   |  02.09.11  |  Reflection (P1)

ell…now that it is turned in an no more time can be spent on it, i see many overlooked mistakes. i wish i had managed my time better so i could have found the little mistakes earlier rather than later. i dont like mistakes.  i do feel like i was successful at using photoshop and illustrator to the  best of my ability to work on these websites.  this project forced me to learn new things and refresh myself on old techniques. i kept remembering things throughout the project which made me rather proud of myself. ha.  found out after three and a half years of college i still have major time management issues. after every project i feel like, “thats it, ive learned my lesson, never again,” and ofcourse on this one, i cram the whole thing into one day/nights work. lame. i need sleep.  websites are harder to conceptualize through sketches. i love to see things on paper first before ever touching a mouse, however it was much more beneficial to see the layout or rough take shape on the computer rather than in my sketch book.  wish it wasnt that way.  i probably spent too much time on the foo-fooey elements. should have invested more time into layout and placement rather than making things look visually appealing. had a spelling error…really upsets me. very much so. thats disappointing.  i got the project done though! awesome! thats a plus

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