User Senario #2

0 Commentsby   |  02.14.11  |  User Scenarios (P2)

Farmer John, a 32 year old male, wants to go into “The Big City” (insert big city name here.) He is a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and wants to eat at a sports bar after church so he can watch the game with his friends. He wants to make sure that the game will be showing at the place he chooses to eat (his birthday = his choice.) He logs on to our website and notices a “Sports” section in the menu bar. He clicks it and finds the “TV Guide – Sports Bar Edition – Whats going to be on” Clicks it and finds that there is a list of the games that will be on and an area that you can request for them to show a game. He finds that the Cowboys game will be on already so he navigates to the Online Reservation tab and makes a reservation for his party.

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