Blog Templates

0 Commentsby   |  03.25.11  |  Reflection (P3)

Working on personal projects, it becomes difficult to distance yourself from the work and look at every element objectively. I find bias in certain elements after designing them and hope to make them work because I like the quirky or uncanny feel of the piece as a whole, but it is when I find attachment that I neglect to look at the negative or seek to improve more on the elements as a whole. The areas I would need the most work on would still be color and type. I have gotten a taste of what deserves more visual presence, but still do not spend hours working out the small details to perfect the overall feel. After letting go some of the attachments to pieces it became easier to design the blog as a whole and work out more kinks when I started to give room to type and less to the pictures or logos. The subtlety of color helped to bring all the pieces together better in this project than the last one, and having a better understanding of who the client was helped me to come up with a design that met the needs and visual presence more closely than to the last client. For the future, getting to know who the client is and understanding  them will make it easier to design for them. Additionally, whenever I run into an issue with a specific element not working, I need to go back to the inspiration and sketch alternative solutions.

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