Cereal Killer

0 Commentsby   |  03.25.11  |  Reflection (P2)

With this project I did not have as much text to work with as with the previous one, and I felt more free to incorporate the products themselves as the main showcase for the final exhibition. From the beginning I cornered myself by creating two roughs very similar in style to each other, which probably came from the fact I did not find much inspiration or do any sketches for the project before just jumping into the design. I did start to get a better feel for the hierarchy of things as I played with the small amounts of text that I did have, but the color became more of a focus on this one and the text was left to suffer. In the future I need to try and expand myself from the beginning rather than narrow my choices so quickly. From the beginning of the wire frames I had already began to work on a lay out for the design rather than just including the text and letting sketches do the work for me. Though with this project I felt at ease working in photoshop and was able to work faster but spend more time on the design than the last project and thus able to have a more completed feel to the final piece.

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