User Scenario 2

0 Commentsby   |  04.08.11  |  User Scenarios (P4)

Robin is fresh out of college and is working at a local news station, and when she’s not at the Newsroom, she likes spending her time outdoors.  She is beginning to fear that Abilene is a desolate  post apocalyptic waste land after all. Then one day she comes across a mobile app, called Abilene Parks & Rec., the app has everything. She easily navigates through the categories and happens upon Seabee Park, pulls up the maps portion of the park and finds it.  After looking at the parks hours of operation and rules, she realized she could camp there for the next forty eight hours. So she loaded up here tent in a 92 Ford Fiesta an headed for the park, and somehow managed not to snake bitten or ran over by a Redneck.

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