PartyQuest User Senario

0 Commentsby   |  04.08.11  |  User Scenarios (P4)

Gary has a 20th birthday party coming up on the weekend. He is wanting to create an event so that only his closest of friends will know about it. In the past he has used facebook to create his events, but has been displeased with the RSVP results. Sometimes he will invite friends, and they will say that they are coming to his party, but they forget about the event or decide not to show up even after they RSVP. Gary remembers hearing about a website that lets you create events that will sync with facebook and your friends, but will create a location on a map. After some searching he stumbles on PartyQuest. When he arrives at party quest he is greeted by a map that has the current date and time, with any public events in his area. In the corner he sees the login that links to facebook and clicks on the icon. After signing into facebook, Gary is able to create a new event. He inputs the location, time, date, and selects the private party option. Then he is able to tag specific people he would like to invite to his event. Party Quest then gives him the option to print out a QR code, or email it. Gary decides to email it to himself so he will remember to print it out before his party.  Afterwards, the invite sends and event to the people he selected. An hour before his party begins, PQ shows his event on their map and begins a count down. He then goes into his email and prints out the QR code that he had saved and tapes it to his front door. Once the event begins, people start to show up, and he tells some of them about the QR code. Those that don’t have devices he tallies and places at his party.

Tara is a 18 year old English major with an iPod Touch, but she only uses the device for music in her car since she does not always have wi-fi access. On a Friday night she receives a text from a friend telling her to show up to the Auditorium on campus for an independent movie viewing. Since the event is on campus where there is wi-fi available, Tara decides to take her iPod with her to the viewing party. Once there, she sees a QR code, and curious about it, scans the code. The code then checks her in at the event, and tells her how many of her other friends there are at the same event. She then goes on to view the home page and sees the map of all her friends and their events around town. After browsing the map for sometime she quits out of the browser.

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