2 Commentsby   |  09.20.13  |  Second Blog Post

Giovanni Pico, whose books for burned for being heretical, believed that the ideas of man should be respected in the name of understanding. The idea that a Christian point of view didn’t need to be at odds with the point of view of everyone else didn’t sit well with many in the church, but it fits one of the central ideas of restoration: Peace. Pico also thought that humans had the ability to choose to make good decisions or bad, and that ultimately rationality and intelligence would lead to good decision-making.

He further argued that different philosophical viewpoints, which seemed contradictory, would be part of one whole if they were properly understood. Giovanni Pico saw the need for peacemakers in a world made hostile for intellectuals. He fits an interpretation of the end times that doesn’t involve a bloody war and a rapture to save those few truly faithful, but rather the reconciliation of all mankind underneath the grace of God. Unlike many thinkers of his time, he doesn’t have a pessimistic view of the secular world. It’s possible that, were he alive today, he would fit in among universalist Christian scholars (those who believe that God will save or has saved everyone, including non-Christians).

In true fashion of a peacemaker himself, he analyzed opposing viewpoints in order to find common ground. Had he lived in a world needing diplomacy, he would have made a great diplomat, prepared to give ground and compromise not just in property, but in intellect. Pico displayed the kind of humility the world needs to come to peace after thousands of years of war. It’s a shame he died young instead of being confronted by the Church. Like with Christ, there are few people who could hate someone unwilling to hate them back.


  1. Rebecca McQueen
    4:09 pm, 09.22.13

    I really like the point you made about restoration and peace. I agree that as a peacemaker, Pico humbly displayed the same kind of humility needed in a broken world that Jesus did in bringing the restoration for many.

  2. Zach Stromberg
    6:53 pm, 09.22.13

    Yeah, very good thoughts about the connection between peace and restoration. I’ve always loved the idea presented in the sermon of the mount: “blessed are the peaceMAKERS for they will be called children of God.” There is a distinction between peace keepers and peace makers, and I think that being a peace maker has so much influence because of the difficulty of the task. It is not just about keeping everyone happy, it is tied back to love and keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. That is why this idea of restoration is so beautiful.

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