Rousseau – Redemption – Fallen, Lifted

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Rousseau argued that we were all inherently good until we become corrupted by the evils of society. He believed we are born good and that is our natural state. He also wrote in his book The Social Contract:“Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains” in an expression of his belief we are that we are, indeed, corrupted by society. Rousseau is best described by many to be a Romantic. Rousseau also believed all citizens should participate in the greater good, even if it means even if it meant acting against their personal interests…I wonder what he would think of our government. With all that said, I associate Rousseau best with Redemption.

Rousseau saw a necessity for equality in all mankind. The lifestyle of living for the greater good would promote equality and liberty for all. I was asked a question a while back about the nature of creation. Are we sinners because we sin; or do we sin because we’re sinners? Quite the head-scratcher. I look around and I see a people who are obviously fallen. We’re selfish, greedy, clearly broken. Sometimes I wonder if we will ever truly understand equality. But if you ask me, we’ve got too many blind folds attached to too many pointed fingers with too many problems and not enough sense to look within ourselves. I read Rousseau’s quotes and wonder if there is as much pleading as I imagine. Maybe I’m projecting but it seems we’ve been screaming for equality ever since we were created. Rousseau saw that in order for liberty and equality to truly be strong, we have to put aside our own personal interests. There are pockets of this example all throughout the history of humanity, but that is not enough. We are cursed; destined for a future of self love and self gain. The only cure, of course, is Jesus and his saving grace. We can never truly know good until we know evil just like we can never know light until we’ve been in the darkness. I associate Rousseau with redemption because even though we may be corrupted, we can be saved! We have participated in the greater good when we are able to see the greater good is, indeed, greater! I think there is hope for us. I have confidence in this thought only because of what I’ve seen in my own life. So whether we were born good or bad, we must continue to fight for the fallen to be lifted.

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