Body Language

0 Commentsby   |  11.01.13  |  Second Blog Post

William James reversed the belief people had about emotions. Instead of saying we do things based on how we feel about them we do things then we feel a certain emotion based on what our actions tell us. For example, if we see a bear we run first and then feel the fear. This theory makes sense because it takes less time to just automatically react. In order to feel emotion it takes more energy. Therefore, you react automatically because you need that energy to keep running or swimming,etc. Act the way you want to feel is the advice he would give (344). There was a study that I read about in Social Psych that was conducted about how if people smile more than they are more likely to feel happy. Also there was a ted talk we watched about how body language does trick your brain into feeling certain things. The example Amy Cuddy gives is standing in a confident “power” pose will make you feel more power. I believe it is possible to feel a certain way without the body doing anything and visa versa. I know I feel more sad or hurt when I am physically crying that I do when I am not. However, I can be angry but  don’t cross my arms or drop my head down to make myself feel that way.

Can your body trick your mind into feeling other feelings that are more complex like loved or wanted? I like this theory because it seems that feelings like depression could be solved by smiling in a mirror more, but emotions are more complicated than that. I categorized emotions with the fall, because we base many decisions on how we feel. We say follow your heart or listen to your heart when in the bible it says that the heart is deceitful. It is irrational and selfish. Many times we sin because we want to feel good. When you have to lay down yourself and sacrifice the things you want for the good of others it is not always something you want to do. Or even something you feel the need to do. Emotions can cause us to do crazy things if we don’t have self-control which is why I categorized this with the fall. Also you body being able to trick your brain is not exactly what the Lord may have wanted for us; our bodies and hearts in constant struggle. However, I like that sometimes you can physically make yourself feel confident or happy because that can be helpful.

Here is the Ted Talk I mentioned. It’s long, but very interesting as most ted talks are!


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