Creation – John B. Watson

5 Commentsby   |  11.15.13  |  Second Blog Post

As this week as seemed to fly by, I have not been able to stop thinking about who in the world I would write about this week. I have not had the slightest idea. I have finally settled on J.B. Watson, his experiments, no matter how inappropriate they may seem, show us a very interesting side of creation. Watson showed us that our experiences can dictate how we feel about a particular stimulus. I think this is very interesting considering I have never thought about what drives or dictates how we act or feel about anything. As a believer and a human being, I have often wondered what exactly makes me tick or what makes me feel as strongly about one thing over others. Behaviors and reactions can be manipulated. Whether positive or negative, it just goes to show me how we are even more subject to the spiritual war going on around us.


  1. Irene Anderson
    9:15 pm, 11.17.13

    Good insight D.J. I love your honesty and your genuineness in writing this post. It is crazy how our behavior can be so manipulated. I love that you compare that to the spiritual war raging around is. Our behavior can either help us stand against the lies of the enemy or we can be in bondage to our sinful behaviors. WOW! 😀

  2. Rebecca McQueen
    9:57 pm, 11.17.13

    I think that it’s such a good plan of the enemy to make us unaware of the war, too. We’re constantly being formed by the things around us – I think it should remind us that there’s a world far more real than what we physically see – and ultimately it has a greater impact

  3. Jacey Ferrara
    9:36 am, 11.18.13

    D.J., such a thought provoking post. It’s amazing that experiences can actually dictate how we feel about something. Sometimes feelings can be great and loving and compassionate, and sometimes those feelings result in a lot of fear, anger, frustration, jealousy, etc. I can definitely see how this lead you to think about spiritual warfare. Woah, my mind was kind of just blown. I really like this perspective. And I also love what Irene and Rebecca said!

  4. Tyler McCuistion
    6:42 pm, 11.18.13

    I agree with you! I wrote on the exact same concept. The experiences that we have create who we are and can be manipulated by others to create who we become. It’s almost scary to think that you can have so little control at younger ages, like what is shown with Little Albert.

  5. Sydney Smith
    10:44 pm, 11.18.13

    It is shocking how we can let our behavior manipulate us in different ways. Just sitting here thinking about it, it’s crazy to think we could have changed up so many things from our younger years up until now and how we felt about that situation too could be so different.

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