Rogerian Thoughts and Views

3 Commentsby   |  12.01.13  |  Second Blog Post

Carl Rogers was a very complex man who provided a lot of great insight into the psychology world. His work covers such a broad spectrum and speaks to so many topics that it is very hard to pin point exactly what stage his ideas align best with. I think when you take a look at Roger’s view on personality and the idea of an actualizing tendency his ideas align best with creation. He believes that humans are born with a innate drive toward self-actualization. Self-actualizaion is essentially the realization and or fulfillment of one’s full potential. So who gave these people there potential? Who gave humans the ability to realize that there is something they are “destined” for? There must be a creator. There has to be a higher power who appointed each individual with the ability to do certain things and to reach a certain level in their achievements. I believe that Roger’s ideas of self-actualization, and other’s similar ideas, all point towards an all powerful creator who is overseeing the whole process.

On the other hand, I think when we take a look at some of Roger’s other ideas about personality, we will see more of a correlation between the Fall. Rogers talks of how people have this internal desire and need for positive regard. People need to feel accepted, loved and desired by the people around them. But through a Christian perspective this is exactly what we are called not to do. We are told to look for our fulfillment through Christ and Christ alone. We are not called to be a part of the world, just in it. So as soon as humans begin to loo for fulfillment and acceptance from the people around them, that is when we fall. We become so focused on the positive regard from others that we lose sight of who we are meant to be. We lose sight of who Christ has created us to be because we are too concerned with pleasing others that we will change our attitudes to fit what is most acceptable. Carl Rogers has many great ideas that I think can be attributed to both the ideas of Creation and the Fall.


  1. Rachel Easley
    10:18 am, 12.02.13

    Hey Nicole! I wrote my post over Rogers too and agree and am thankful for your thoughts. I loved the way you included Christ in your post and shared your personal journey with these topics as well. I agree- we ARE too concerned with pleasing others and there is freedom when we let that desire go!

  2. Zach Stromberg
    3:19 pm, 12.02.13

    Yeah great ideas on Rogers. The whole need for affirmation is something that is very natural and something I have (as well as probably everyone) struggled with my whole life! Seriously, once we understand in our hearts that Jesus is enough, offense goes away and we start doing things out of love for others instead of to bring ourselves glory. Thankfully with a fall has come a redemption!

  3. Lindsay Lowe
    10:41 pm, 12.02.13

    Nicole, I loved how you brought up our need for fulfillment and that we look for that in many places. This is definitely something I feel like embodies Rogers’ ideas. It is something that is a great topic for Christians and psychologists alike. I agree with you that we focus a lot on positive regard and model this to kids even. Great post!

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