Block and Bridle

0 Commentsby   |  12.03.10  |  Uncategorized

A group of A&E students and Dr. Ed Brokaw attended the National Block and Bridle Convention October 14-17 at Michigan State University in Lansing, Michigan.  National Block and Bridle Club members are college students from across the United States interested in animal agriculture.  The national convention is a time for all Collegiate Block and Bridle Clubs to gather annually to form closer relationship among students pursuing some phase of animal agriculture as a profession.

“It is a great chance to get away for a few days and see the local agricultural industry in new places,” said Mandy Wilson, sophomore animal science major from Walsenberg, Colorado.  “It also informs you about the character of your industry, what problems/advancements it currently faces, and allows you to meet people and build relationships with those in your industry throughout the country.”

This convention also serves to encourage networking among students, providing them opportunities to learn how to be more successful in their chosen field and teaching them about future problems in the industry and how best to confront those.

“I learned more about dairies, that we are the future of agriculture and that we need to inform the public about how we really do what we do,” said Roberta Isenhower, senior animal science and mathematics double major from Abilene.

The dates and location for next year’s convention have not been announced, but they will be posted on the Block and Bridle Web site

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