Happy birthday to two ACU centenarians!

Alumni Relations Director Craig Fisher (’92) and other members of the ACU Advancement staff celebrated the 101st birthday of Willa B (Sloan ’34) Patterson, one of ACU’s oldest alumni, this weekend. Willa B, whose birthday was Aug. 2, is one of 12 centenarian alumni, headed by Willa B (Sloan ’34) Patterson of Fort Worth, who turned 106 on Friday,  August 9th, 2013.

2013 Centenarians

Above, ACU Foundation officer Chris Sargent (’02), ACU Alumni Relations Director Craig Fisher and Advancement campaign coordinator Rendi (Young ’83) Hahn celebrate with Willa B and her son, Johnny Patterson (’62).


Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. ~Proverbs 16:31, ESV

Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days. ~Job 12:12, ESV