This year we have a new feature on the PGC Blog. Every week, we will highlight something interesting, note-worthy, and/or fun that is happening at the Pruett Gerontology Center!

This week’s highlight post is a thank you to one of our student associates: Emily Adams. You might recognize Emily from a previous PGC blog post chronicling her adventures setting up our Images of Aging Photo Contest display in the Brown Library.

E. AdamsEmily is a Junior, Speech Pathology Major and the daughter of Tom and Marcia Adams. A native of Missouri, Emily and her family call Frisco, Texas home now. Emily is the W-Club Chaplain and frequently leads W-Club chapel. The W-Club seeks to inspire young women to maturity as Christians and to recognize those who have rendered outstanding service to Abilene Christian.

One of the Bible verses that Emily cites as a favorite is Philippians 4:7: “The the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind n Christ Jesus.” Emily chose this verse because, “I have always been a worry-wart in most aspects of my life, but this verse reminds me that there is peace in trusting God and that His Peace overcomes all.”

One of Emily’s favorite memories of being at ACU reaches back to Freshman Welcome Week, “One of my favorite memories of ACU so far was back in freshman year when my Mentor Group from Welcome Week dressed up like Peter Pan characters and won the Mentor Group Olympics! I definitely made lasting friendships from that day.”

Post-it-Notes are Emily’s most essential office supply, “You should see them all over the monitor in the office!” she says.

We have seen them Emily and we need them as memory joggers too! Thank you, Emily, for helping us at PGC!





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