It is very common to gradually lose your hearing as you age. Aging and exposure to loud noises are the main contributors to hearing loss.

There are a few signs to look out for when it comes to hearing loss, whether it is for a loved one or yourself:

  • Speech starts to sound unclear or muffled
  • A decrease in understanding words when background noise is present
  • Unable to hear consonants
  • Asking others to repeat themselves multiple times
  • Complaining to people that they are not speaking clearly

A sign you should look out for your loved one is social withdrawal. Since the person can have trouble understanding conversations due to missing pieces from the conversation, they start withdrawing and avoiding certain settings.They start avoiding loud places such as restaurants, and at family get togethers, they avoid and withdraw from conversations. It is also important to know that signs of hearing loss can be misinterpreted for dementia.

It is common for an individual to avoid seeing an Audiologist because they do not want to receive the diagnosis of a hearing loss. Chances are that they already know deep down that they have hearing loss, but they are not willing to accept it yet. It is recommended that you see your Audiologist if you are experiencing problems with your hearing. The Audiologist will test your hearing and if you have hearing loss, will recommend hearing aids that are specific to your needs. It is important to get this resolved before your hearing starts to get worse. Remember that it is important to be encouraging to the person that needs to receive help.

For the prevention of hearing loss, make sure to always have your music set at a comfortable range and not too loud. Avoid loud noises, and when you are working with heavy machinery, wear earplugs. Prevention is crucial in avoiding damage to your ears.

By Ashlyn Byrd