The holidays are fast approaching and with that comes food, family, and fun!
We found a great article listing “11 tips for helping seniors stay healthy during the holiday season” that has some great advice!
I wanted to highlight the tip to “Stay Hydrated” especially because this is something that is so simple but so easy to forget. Dr. Sheila Jones recently spoke to our Caregiver support group about “What Caregivers Should Know About Nutrition.” She stated that a large number of health issues that are seen in senior living facilities are due to dehydration. This is because older adults may not have a strong thirst mechanism and need to prompted to drink. She also noted that fluid intake does not have to be just water! So drink up but use common sense when it comes to moderation.

Holidays may also be a difficult time for families dealing with Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s association has a lot of resources to help your family thrive during this time. So definitely check those out too.