We’ve all been told at some point in our lives that what we eat is super important. It helps with our present health, but it can also help us age well in the future. This may not be something that we are concerned with until it really begins to affect us. Eating the right foods is one of the best things you can do to help your body as it begins to age for many reasons.

Aching joints, memory loss, and decrease in eyesight are all common problems that seem to arise with aging. To help slow the onset or intensity of some of these problems, it is important that you are consuming the right foods. Foods that are high in nutrients like vegetables, fruits, and legumes are all important in helping the body fight off free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for damaging cells in the body and making them lose their function. The buildup of free radicals has also been linked to certain cancers, heart disease, and arthritis. Eating foods that combat free radicals can help to slow the aging process and increase the chances of staying healthier longer.

Weight gain is also a popular issue that is associated with aging. Foods that are high in fats greatly increase the chances of obesity. Not only do fatty foods do this, the amount of calories being ingested on a daily basis are also correlated to weight gain in older age. If the amount of calories that are being ingested outweighs the healthy foods being eaten, weight gain is still going to be a problem. Everything must come in moderation to help prevent excess weight gain. Being overweight in later life can cause many health problems like increased chances of cancers, eye diseases, and even plays a role in the onset of dementia.

By incorporating healthy foods into your diet, you greatly increase your chances of living a healthier life. You will have more energy and be happier overall, because your quality of life will be a healthier one. Aging is something that everyone goes through, but if your start incorporating a healthier diet into your life now, you will age better in the future.

By Haleigh Heath