By Binoj Peter

Aging is a natural phenomenon and a wonderful at one too. It can be celebrated and cherished. You become wise enough from your experiences to be a torch bearer to younger generations. It is also very important that you make wise choices in the process. Being informed is very crucial step in making the right choices.

Area Agencies on Aging are government agencies that were created following the passing of federal legislation. The Older Americans Act of 1965 aims to assist seniors to age well and live well.

One significant example of a wise choice would be to assess one’s financial status and to seek help if you need assistance regarding housing, long term care, etc. Area Agencies of Aging provide essential information to seniors in locating affordable housing options depending on an individual’s needs.  Another example would be assessment of your independence in performing various essential activities in life. If you have difficulty in doing so, counselors at Area Agencies on Aging can counsel and refer you to appropriate caregiver services. The other key issue to assess is whether you can drive safely to visit doctor, shop and buy groceries etc.  Area Agencies of Aging may be able to assist with transportation services and home delivered meal services to those who are in dire need of such services. In case you need assistance in locating a long-term care facility that fits your needs, counselors at Aging and Disability Resource Centers can provide necessary guidance.

You need to also be aware of your legal rights. Counselors can provide you with legal assistance or direct you to appropriate places that can provide you with such assistance. You have the right to speak against any instances of neglect, abuse and exploitation that you were subjected to in daily life. Ombudsmen at Area Agencies of Aging are eager to listen to your complaints and find an appropriate resolution to the situation. In emergency cases of abuse, call 9-1-1 or report urgent abuse concerns to the Adult Protective Services.

It is also important to maintain your health and wellness as you age. The most critical aspect in this regard is that you have a comprehensive health insurance coverage so that you can receive all preventative and medical services at affordable costs. This would involve receiving good counseling regarding enrollment in Medicare plans that is suitable to your needs. At Area Agencies on Aging, benefit counselors provide these counseling services free of cost.

Following healthy practices regarding diet and physical activity is an equally significant factor to consider. The members of older adult population are more liable to falls. Participating in programs like Texercise, Matter of Balance, Tai Chi, and ZAAZ will go a long way in achieving a healthy lifestyle and preventing falls. Texercise is an evidence-based program promoted by Texas Health and Human Services which helps elderly Texans make proactive dietary choices and perform simple exercises which help them stay active and less liable to falls. Similarly Matter of Balance is a program which helps seniors improve their balance and thereby prevent falls. In addition, if you are suffering from chronic conditions or diabetes, you might need help to empower yourself to manage your condition on your own, so it does not affect your life. Counselors in Area Agency on Aging can assist you in achieving the self-efficacy in managing such chronic conditions.

The final significant aspect of aging well would involve remaining connected with what goes around you as much as you can so that you don’t feel isolated. It is always advisable to keep looking for employment opportunities that suit your skills, remain in touch with your friends and family and participate in various physical and social activities going on in the community. There are also volunteer opportunities available to seniors through programs like Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) and Senior Corps which assists seniors in contributing positively to the community based on their skills.

You are only as old as you think. Being informed, remaining healthy and being connected will help you lead a satisfying and fulfilling life. Age is just a number and let us celebrate it to the highest.