When you think about aging, what automatically comes to your mind? Is it decline in health, body, or mind? Why is it that aging is associated with such a negative meaning? Instead, revert your thinking by viewing aging as a positive change.

It turns out that life does get better as you age. Overall, stress becomes more manageable and our moods improve. We tend to become more financially stable and prioritize things that matter most. Family becomes more valuable and we develop closer friendships with our friends. Yes, some people do not age as well as others, but that is just part of life. It is all about perspective and growing older is a positive change in life.

We develop wisdom through all of the experiences and lessons we learned from, and we are able to share with those who need to hear it. If you are retired, you can occupy your time by volunteering, visiting sick friends, or spending time with those who matter most to you. Your focus tends to be placed on relationships which makes your life feel purposeful and more complete. When we have positive relationships with others, minimal stress, and have our time occupied, we feel happier and have a fulfilled purpose in our lives. Older adults are valued and we need them because they are important to us as friends and confidants; they add a big contribution in our lives and society.