
One week until the PGC Town Hall Meeting!

This week, the spotlight turns to our upcoming PGC/ACU Town Hall Meeting! Everyday, we will focus on a feature of the exciting event, expected to draw five generations of Texas citizens to Hunter Welcome Center on February 6, 2018~please call us at PGC (x2350) to...

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While you were away for the holidays

Students and friends of PGC, as you prepare to return to campus for the Spring semester, here are a few items of information that occurred while you were away: The low Monday morning, January 1, 2018 was 9 degrees in Abilene ... the same as it was on January 1, 1928...

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A Message for 2018 from Dr. Charlie Pruett

Lord of Harvest, Send Forth Reapers The floors were often cold when we arrived at the little white, wooden framed building with a heater in the corner for winters and open windows in the summer. The benches, made by the men of this growing church in South Texas, must...

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17 Bible Verses to read at Christmastime

17 Bible Verses to Read on Christmas Eve, Christmas Morning... or today! 🙂 ~~~ Isaiah 7:14 ~ So the Lord himself will give you this sign: A virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and she will name him Immanuel [God Is With Us]. (God’s Word Translation...

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