A Nap A Day

Reading through the article by ScienceDaily titled “A nap a day keeps the high blood pressure at bay” was an intriguing read learning about not only the benefit of having a boost of energy and waking up in a better mood, but also the benefit of reducing...

Fall Seminar 2021

Do you have a friend or family member with memory loss, Alzheimer’s or a related disease? Friday, November 12th, 2021 The Alzheimer’s Association will be hosting their Virtual Fall Seminar. The session will include: The Benefits of Early Detection and...

2021 Walk to End Alzheimer’s

The Walk to End Alzheimer’s annual event is here! Come and join us in support of those who are struggling with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, those who have lost a loved one to the diseases, individuals that currently care for someone with the diseases, and/or to help...