
Free Hugs!

Today was Free Hugs Friday in the Campus Center! Free Hugs is a Pruett Gerontology Center event held right before finals that's lots of fun and a great way to connect students with older friends in a very encouraging way. Did you get your hug? [gallery columns="1"...

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PGC’s Free Movie Night Tomorrow!

Pruett Gerontology Center will be hosting a free movie night next month . The film we will be showing is "Age of Champions" about a group of 5 older adults ranging from 70s-100 years of age who train for and compete in a Senior Olympics event biannually. It is...

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Careers in Aging Week~ You Are Invited

Bringing greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in aging and aging research. We're celebrating Careers in Aging Week (CIAW),  this week April 6-12, 2014! Please join us! Activities include: Informational Awareness Spotlight Center:...

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Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) April 6-12

Bringing greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in aging and aging research. Please join us next week as we celebrate Careers in Aging Week (CIAW),  next week April 6-12, 2014! Activities include: Informational Awareness Spotlight...

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PGC’s Free Movie Night Thursday April 10

Pruett Gerontology Center will be hosting a free movie night next month . The film we will be showing is a PBS documentary called "Age of Champions" and it is about a group of 5 older adults ranging from 70s-100 years of age who train for and compete in a Senior...

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During Spring Break!

We hope you are having a restful and fun Spring Break! Here is an update on some items of interest: Student Philanthropy Day, 2014     Picture Links:

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