The Smile That Never Fades

Photographer: Caitlin Walker
When I was growing up, my great grandfather would drive up in his tan Chevrolet after school to pick my sister and I up and take us to have cookies and milk with our great grandmother until we were able to go home when our father got off work. Our after school activities would consist of roaming through the garden, playing the harmonica, reading fairy tales, and of course.. sugar cookies and milk with our homework. He constantly gave his time and effort into demonstrating love to us girls. My grandpa Walker is a man who is full of laughter and joy for life. Serving over 40+ years in the Navy as an E6 Sailor, he has dedicated his life to service, my grandmother, family and the Lord. He never failed to smile and demonstrate such joy. After losing my grandmother, he still has continued to prioritize joy over his life and has given that gift to me. Through any thing that life brings you, God never fails to give you a reason to smile and to never let it fade, so just smile