
The second edition of Qualitative Research is now available from Cascade.







“Sensing’s plain-language guide for doing DMin research serves as a vital resource for DMin projects from conceptualization to reporting. Emphasizing the communal and transformative nature of DMin research clarifies that research is not just technical but can also testify to the actions and presence of God in the context and has the potential to catalyze lifelong learning and ministry development.” – Mark Chapman, Tyndale Seminary

“As a DMin program director, I remain grateful for Tim Sensing’s indispensable book. Qualitative Research has become a proven reference guide to the research tools of practical theology that DMin students use to ask contextual questions about their ministry according to the academic standards of advanced ministerial education. This smartly updated second edition brings years of pastoral and teaching reflection to service in the church.” – Gregory Heille, OP, Aquinas Institute of Theology


The Living Pulpit: Sermons that Illustrate Preaching in the Stone-Campbell Movement 1968-20

Paperback – April 10, 2018

Fifty years of preaching excellence in one volume.

The Living Pulpit collects sermons from representative preachers in the Stone-Campbell Movement–pastors affiliated with the Churches of Christ, the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ, and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)–over the past 50 years. The fourth volume in a series that began in 1868, this collection of sermons from 40 ministers, reviewed by a diverse team of scholars, captures the theological themes and changing approaches to preaching across the Movement’s three streams. Emerging from an era of mutual suspicion, the three streams have developed a better understanding, shared mutuality and respect for each stream’s unique qualities, and cooperated in many venues, qualities reflected in this collection. The Living Pulpit2018 helps preachers and scholars recognize where preaching has been–and why it has been there–in each stream, and where preaching appears to be going in a new mission field for Christianity and the Unity Movement.  See it on Amazon here.


The Effective Practice of Ministry, ACU Press, 2013

Effective Practice

Charles A. Siburt was an extraordinary Christian man. Minister, scholar, mentor, innovative leader, and peacemaker are only a few of the descriptors of my friend. We saw him live among us, and we saw the spirit of Jesus in every dimension of his life. –Royce Money, chancellor, Abilene Christian University.

You can order The Effective Practice of Ministry from


Qualitative Research: A Multi-Methods Approach to Projects for Doctor of Ministry Theses


Effective Practice of Ministry can be ordered from Wipf & Stock Publishers. See attached flyer here for more information. Wipf & Stock’s promotional flyer is attached here.

Appreciating the strengths and limitations of [DMin] programs, Sensing offers a guide and sourcebook for students in designing and writing their project theses. Equally important is his approach to the degree and project in which the student is a practical theologian engaging theology as a communal, formative, critical, and public activity. The church desperately needs quality doctoral work producing rigorous research that contributes to the practice of ministry. Those who share this goal have a valuable new resource. –Lovett H. Weems, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, DC


Supervised Practice of Ministry Handbook. ACU, 1999. Revised 2000, 2005. (unpublished)


Future Books

  1. I am currently writing a book entitled Practicing Theology. 
  2. You may also like Homiletics A Very Short Introduction 2024


Other Chapters Found in Books

  1. “Incarnation: God’s Practice of Contextual Theology.” In One Truth, Many Cultures: Crossing Cultures and Barriers with Biblical Education: A Festschrift in Honor of Mac Lynn, edited by David Srygley, C. Philip Slate, and David Baxter, 53–74. Nashville: Nations University, 2024.
  2. I have a chapter  on case teaching in the following book, Welcome to Field Education
  3. “But God.” In Singing with the Shepherds: Meditations and Prayers for the Season of Advent. Edited by Mark W. Hamilton and Kelli Gibson (November 2023), 73–74. See also Spanish edition.
  4. “Matthew 1:1-17: A Homiletical Perspective.” In Feasting on the Gospels: Matthew, Volume 1: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, 2-7. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2013.
  5. “Matthew 1:18-25: A Homiletical Perspective.” In Feasting on the Gospels: Matthew, Volume 1: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, 8-13. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2013.
  6. “Matthew 2:1-12: A Homiletical Perspective.” In Feasting on the Gospels: Matthew, Volume 1: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, 14-19. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2013.
  7. “Psalm 36:5-11: A Pastoral Perspective for Monday of Holy Week.” In Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A, Volume 2: Lent through Eastertide, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, 188-192. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2010.
  8. “Psalm 71: 1-14: A Pastoral Perspective for Tuesday of Holy Week.” In Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A, Volume 2: Lent through Eastertide, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, 212-216. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2010.
  9. “Psalm 70: A Pastoral Perspective for Wednesday of Holy Week.” In Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary. Year A, Volume 2: Lent through Eastertide, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, 236-240. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2010.
  10. “Zechariah”. In The Transforming Word: One Volume Commentary on the Bible, edited by Mark W. Hamilton, 767-772. Abilene: ACU Press, 2008.
  11. “Lamar, James Sanford.” In Encyclopedia for the Stone-Campbell Movement, edited by Douglas A. Foster, Paul M. Blowers, Anthony L. Dunnavant, and D. Newell Williams, 449-450. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.
  12. “Herald of Truth.” In Encyclopedia for the Stone-Campbell Movement, edited by Douglas A. Foster, Paul M. Blowers, Anthony L. Dunnavant, and D. Newell Williams, 383-384. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2005.
  13. “Re-imagining the Future: Past Tense Words in a Present Tense World.” In Preaching the Eighth Century Prophets, Volume 5 of the Rochester College Lectures on Preaching, edited by David Fleer and Dave Bland, 199-133. Abilene, TX: ACU Press, 2004.
  14. “Study Guide” for God’s Holy Fire by Ken Cukrowski, Mark Hamilton, and James Thompson. Abilene, TX: ACU Press, 2002.

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