Psalm 51

Performance Notes:  This video and commentary come from Isaac Newberry, a student in one of my classes, “Introduction to Biblical Interpretation,” in the Spring 2024 semester.    A Model of Repentance The structure of Psalm 51 offers a healthy model...

John 12:1–11

Performance Notes:  I first told this story in a Zoom session of the Network of Biblical Storytellers Scholars Seminar (a group of “storytelling scholars” and “scholarly storytellers” who gather to explore Scripture through biblical performance criticism). You can...

1 Peter 1:1–2:3

Performance Notes:  As part of Summit 2022 at Abilene Christian University, I performed all of 1 Peter in a session titled “Reading and Hearing 1 Peter.” After that event, I recorded my performance of 1 Peter so that I could share it on the blog. Rather than share it...

Ecclesiastes 2:12–26

Performance Notes:  For this post, the commentary is included in the video following the performance of Ecclesiastes 2:12–26. You can jump directly to the commentary at the 04:00 mark.  I learned this section of Ecclesiastes in order to tell it as part of the...

Luke 12:13–21

Performance Notes:  In this post, the performance commentary follows the video (starting at the 01:40 mark).  I was given the opportunity to tell and teach this story to a group of university professors at the Christian Scholars Conference in Nashville. As I mention...