About the Strategic Plan


To remain relevant, we must be committed to innovating the delivery of an ACU education. We must put the key aspects of ACU’s identity solidly at the center and then be willing to examine and transform everything else to keep the university in a place of strength in a culture of rapid change.

For 110 years, this university has educated students for Christian service and leadership throughout the world, and it will continue to do so in a way that glorifies God, honors its heritage and attracts the next generation of students who want to make a real difference in the world.

Strategic Goals


This task force is exploring innovative methods of instruction delivery that enhance overall academic quality.


Experiential learning is one way ACU builds on existing strengths to create high-touch and high-impact programs.


ACU desires to develop a unified approach that demonstrates true commitment to racial inclusion and cultural competence.


Emphasizing “scripture, community, and vocation,” this initiative explores curricular and co-curricular programs and goals.


The purpose of this task force is to examine current academic programs and assess strengths and opportunities for enhancement.

The Strategic Plan

In 2013, ACU completed an engaging and rigorous planning process that involved more than 200 members of the university community, followed by work with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and college deans. In 2015, the SLT reviewed the strategic themes. Out of that work this new strategic plan was developed. To learn more about how our new strategic plan, entitled “In Christ and in Unity: Our Vision in Action,” responds specifically to ACU’s values and to the changing higher education environment, click the link below.

Strategic Plan Steering Committee

Jennifer Shewmaker, Ph. D.

Strategic Planning Chair

Greg Straughn, Ph. D.

Chair of Educational Innovation Task Force

Stephen Baldridge, Ph. D.

Chair of Experiential Learning Task Force

Stephanie Hamm, Ph. D.

Chair of Diversity Task Force

Cliff Barbarick, Ph. D.

Co-Chair of Spiritual Formation Task Force

Darryl Tippens, Ph. D.

Co-Chair of Spiritual Formation Task Force

Cheryl Bacon, Ed.D.

Co-Chair of Academic Programs Task Force

Brad Crisp, Ph.D.

Co-Chair of Academic Programs Task Force

Strategic Plan Task Force

Jennifer Shewmaker, Ph.D.

Strategic Planning Chair

Adams Center for Teaching and Learning

Brown Library Room 256


Contact Information



ACU Box 29201

Abilene, TX 79699

Abilene Christian University

1600 Campus Court

Abilene, Texas 79699

Campus Operator: 325-674-2000
