Foundry Chats and Tech Tune-Ups

The Innovation Foundry finds itself to be in a unique location, as the University it serves has a wide variety of creative software it makes available to faculty, staff, and students. From the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, Office 365, Google G Suite, and much more, there are not too many things those who are on campus could have need for in their creative endeavors. However, to say that everyone is on the same playing field when it comes to digital literacy would be a huge assumption. With great partners like ACU’s IT department, the Learning Studio, Maker Lab,, and the Adams Center, there are a lot of ways to get the help one might need. Yet, often times, many people struggle with connecting the various dots in the creative software universe in trying to understand what something does, compared to what they need to get done.

The Innovation Foundry has been able to provide hour long sessions dealing from basic to more advanced instruction in various tools available to them. You can view a great deal of our past session on our Blog, as well as the current semesters offerings on our Events page.