Nil Santana's Archive


1 Commentby   |  08.27.10  |  graphic design

Graphic-exchange is a great place to visit – often! The site has an excellent collection of design and photography. Once you ‘enter’ the site, click in the packaging link on the left column.

The Dieline

1 Commentby   |  08.23.10  |  packaging design

Great resource/inspiration for designers and students (click on image for website).

Welcome to ART455: Persuasive

0 Commentsby   |  08.18.10  |  packaging design

Introduction to packaging design; investigation of basic materials and production methods.  Projects include designs, redesigns and revitalization of existing packaging and the study of structures, point-of-purchase (POP) displays, and the packaging of new products. This course also investigates packaging as identity.

Nil Santana's Comment Archive

  1. Nil Santana on Decoder
    4:42 pm, 08.31.10

    Thanks for the post Caitlyn! Yes, TheDecoderRing is a great place for design inspiration, excellent stuff, and the designers there are really great guys as well. I’ve met both Christian and Jeff when I attended an AIGA Design Ranch a few years ago. :)

  2. Nil Santana on Fresh off the... grill
    1:16 pm, 09.25.10

    coming soon Corey… I finished with those pics around 6:30 last night — that’s FRIDAY night. :)

  3. Nil Santana on Coffee Packages
    12:39 pm, 09.24.10

    You’re right, Con — but shouldn’t “7” be the lightest one then? …oooops :P