Self Critique

0 Commentsby   |  02.09.11  |  Reflection (P1)

In choosing a specific direction I created folders for individual articles, as if one person would be opening the folder and viewing all the contents related to the subject. This direction however forced the images and font into specific sizes. Though a hierarchy is clear relative to both elements, when viewed Independently the images dominate a large portion of the page, and are even not properly aligned in the second column. The fixed width of these elements forced the type to be small and the titles of the articles to be seen as a secondary element rather than the main focus. From AIGA’s real website it is clear they wanted more focus on the title and preview of the article rather than the image and this is something mine no longer focuses on. Additionally, sacrifices were made on my part that should most likely not have been made. The news feed was cut down, and though it is a constantly updating and scrolling element, the majority of items would not be seen. More emphasis was placed on the archives by adding the scroller, but the font size was diminished and does call less attention to itself. In terms of space, the website is crammed closely together with not much negative space to let it breathe. While the overall size of the site is not as lengthy, the viewable area is cramming more into less space and may loose clarity in some of the tightness of the elements. What may help in the future is to first rely on the type to be the main elements and try to revolve everything around it being readable and evenly spaced.

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