Plato’s Allegory of the Cave & The Fall

2 Commentsby   |  09.06.13  |  Student Posts

I believe that Plato’s Allegory of the Cave could fit into the category of the fall.  Plato believed that the world we live in is like a cave, and therefore our view is distorted. It is not true reality. It is just a shadow. There is something more real than we know; yet it is outside of the cave. I believe the same is for the fall, or at least the reality that we now live in because of it. There is a reality far more true than anything we can physically see– the spiritual realm – and although we see effects from it, we cannot see it in its truest form.

Plato believed that in order to get out of the cave, one must use knowledge and rational thought. I believe the same is somewhat true in respect to the fall. One must first be aware, or have knowledge, that there is a truer reality beyond what he or she can see. However, I do not believe one needs to be a philosopher in order to “escape from the cave.” I believe that there is an enemy who uses a number of things, such as certain movies or music, as we live in a fallen world, to gain access into people’s lives. While the reality to us is the tangible movie we see – there is a deeper reality, a demonic spirit if I may, that infiltrates its way into the lives of people.

While this allegory could be argued in a number of different ways, and while there are many things that have gone unaddressed, I believe that with these concepts, this is just one way in which the Allegory of Cave can be seen through the perspective of the fall.


  1. Jennifer Valenzuela
    3:14 pm, 09.08.13

    I like how we were able to use the same concept no put it into different perspectives. This has great insight.

  2. Mengyuan Tang
    5:03 pm, 09.09.13

    I like the way you relate Plato’s Allegory of the Cave to the fall. From the Allegory we know that beyond the reality we think are true-the “shadow”, there is a reality far more true than we believe-“outside the cave”. With regard to the fall, the reality to us is like tangible movie or music we see or listen to (offered by an enemy), but there is a deeper reality, a demonic spirit may influence the lives of people by osmosis. It’s interesting! Thank you for you post.

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