Human Studies

2 Commentsby   |  10.18.13  |  Second Blog Post

When Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they thought they would be like God. Unfortunately that is not what panned out. They suddenly became aware to the evil they were completely oblivious to before. In this case, ignorance was truly bliss. Despite the results of the fall, God was not going to leave his children hanging. Because we are now aware of both good and evil, he has given us His Word to continue to fight against the evil. This is why I would categorize Human Studies as part of the redemption. With all of this new knowledge and theories emerging, it can only benefit us. Human Studies opened the door to new knowledge about the brain and how it effects human beings and their behavior. When we know the root of what is causing us to do harm, we can defeat and overcome it. That is the beauty of redemption. Not only did Christ redeem us on the cross, but it opened the door for us to have a relationship with the Father through his word. It helped us to live in the new covenant where we have access to the tools and to the same Holy Spirit that led Jesus to live the faultless life that he did. Human studies is just one of the examples of that. While ultimately phrenology was proven to have many flaws, it gave way to many different theories regarding the brain and human behavior. The Bible says that if we know the truth, the truth will set us free. Phrenology helped people to understand more of the truth about themselves, even if it wasn’t completely accurate. I believe that to come to the truth we must be open minded and not be biased to our own beliefs. When we expand our minds  we give ourselves more room for whatever truth resonates with us. The idea of phrenology did that for people. It expanded the mind to different truths, the truth sets us free, and I turn, we are redeemed.


  1. Zach Stromberg
    8:57 pm, 10.20.13

    The truth in redemption is such a beautiful realism. Like you said there became a newly found curiosity and awareness of who we were, so studying it is only natural. Thankfully there is redemption in a sense of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual (etc.) refreshment. People know there is more in truth, that’s why opening our hearts to the spirit can essentially bring life!!

  2. Mengyuan Tang
    7:23 pm, 10.21.13

    I like the way you relate Human Studies to Redemption. I agree with you that Human Studies enable us to better understand ourselves, and as a result many thoughts and behaviors can be explained or even effectively treated. Although phrenology is considered as a pseudoscience, it is true that it helped people seek truth about themselves. It established the basis of physiological psychology.

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