4 Commentsby   |  11.15.13  |  Second Blog Post

I think behaviorism can be put under the category of redemption. I think so because of how the way psychologists have applied the practice to certain disorders. For instance the way that it can be used for children with autism to change their behaviors. It is cool that it can help remedy a disorder that is hard to help with alternative methods.  And also how this practice can be applied to depressive disorders as well is really cool to me because it can help tremendously when other things cannot. The idea that we can change old habits by the way we act regardless of how we were born is one of the main reasons why this practice should be placed under this category. Creating new habits by learning is something that shows how we can evolve from our not so great ways to be better.  Positive Reinforced behavior is one that will more likely be repeated. I don’t believe that all behavior is learned but I think that most of what we do can be changed for the better. The idea that we can change by living the way Jesus wanted us is why I think that this is so applicable.


  1. Nicole Nelson
    1:32 pm, 11.17.13


    I really loved your post! I love how you associate behaviorism with redemption. I completely agree, I love the idea that we can use psychology to help mend the brokenness of a generation. And I think when you combine God in with that behavioral therapy there is no saying how many people you can heal, and start sending on the path towards eternal redemption. I also love how you talk about changing old habits. Because as humans sin is naturally one of our bad, old habits, and so many people I think get stuck in this rut of believing they aren’t able to rid themselves of sin, thus they aren’t worthy of God’s time. But I think that’s so wrong! Redemption proves that! We are able to remove ourselves from our natural tendencies and draw closer to the Lord! Great post!

  2. Lindsay Lowe
    6:17 pm, 11.17.13

    Anna, I just wanted to share a personal experience that I had today that reminded me of your post. At my church I work with a pair of young autistic twins and after seeing the video clip of how effectively Psychologists have interacted, I tried it when working with these 2 kids. It was amazing their response, when I actually thought they were immature emotionally it was really eye-opening to see them blossom in response to positive reinforcement. Amazing how well this works with young ones!

  3. Matt McMahon
    2:30 pm, 11.18.13

    I also decided to write about behaviorism but put it under the category of creation but I understand what you are saying. I think the field of behaviorism as it relates to therapy seems to fit redemption well.

  4. Caroline Nikolaus
    11:11 pm, 11.18.13

    I agree Matt, it does fit into the redemption category when looking at how behavior can be altered to enhance someone’s well being, as with all therapy. I like how you relate a hopefulness to behaviorism, that it is a symbol to how our sinful natures can change to be more like Christ, I hadn’t thought about it in that way before.

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