Frankl and Redemption

2 Commentsby   |  12.02.13  |  Student Posts

I believe that Victor Frankl should go under redemption. Not just because he had such a positive view of life after his time in concentration camps but because of his view of man’s ability to be something greater than himself. His view of behaviorism being just a basis for man i feel is very inspiring. Free will is something that i have always been interested in and Frankl shows how man can over come any circumstances in a positive way shows mans free will. To look at tragedies and still over come them while still letting them shape you shows how Frankl should be placed under redemption. I also feel this has a huge impact on Christianity. Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek and i feel that with Frankl’s view of free will shows how one could forgive the aggressor and not be impacted by their actions.


  1. Hillary Richardson
    10:40 am, 12.04.13

    I enjoyed reading your blog over Frankl. It was interesting that you compared him to redemption. I agree that God teaches us to turn the other cheek and even pray for our enemies. Through redemption we can learn forgiveness, even though it may be hard. Frankl is a good example of showing how God can do things to help you in your life as long as you believe in him. I really enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. Nicole Nelson
    11:49 pm, 12.04.13


    I definitely agree with you a bout Frankl and redemption. It is interesting to look at a man like him, who has been through so much in his life, and still has a positive view on life. And than to compare him to other psychologists who maybe have had an easier life, but look at the world in such a negative light. I wonder why that is..But I like your comparison with turning the other cheek. Because essentially that’s exactly what Frankl had to do in order to move on with his life. Great post!

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