Taylor Chitty's Archive

Frankl and Redemption

2 Commentsby   |  12.02.13  |  Student Posts

I believe that Victor Frankl should go under redemption. Not just because he had such a positive view of life after his time in concentration camps but because of his view of man’s ability to be something greater than himself. His view of behaviorism being just a basis for man i feel is very inspiring. Free will is something that i have always been interested in and Frankl shows how man can over come any circumstances in a positive way shows mans free will. To look at tragedies and still over come them while still letting them shape you shows how Frankl should be placed under redemption. I also feel this has a huge impact on Christianity. Jesus teaches us to turn the other cheek and i feel that with Frankl’s view of free will shows how one could forgive the aggressor and not be impacted by their actions.

Freud and the Fall

2 Commentsby   |  11.15.13  |  Student Posts

I believe that Freud could be placed under the fall. His work on the unconscious and behavior shows what seems to be a darker side of peoples behavior. To think that sex is the main drive in human behavior avoids the point of morals and things that are not personal. I feel that this limits mans ability to sacrifice his own needs to help others. I also feel that he goes under the fall because of how little research he actually did. If he cannot prove his own works yet be so influential to the field of psychology then he should be placed under the fall. I also feel that his work on the unconscious limits mans ability to control his actions leading to the lack of free will which should be placed under the fall. Although some of his views could be placed under different categories I feel that the fall best fits freud.

Gage and the fall

3 Commentsby   |  10.18.13  |  Student Posts

I believe that the case of Phineas Gage goes under the fall. If man’s personality is guided by the brain then it shows that when there is damage or a development to the brain then man could be more influenced to do things that are considered wrong or impolite to do. This should go under the fall because man should always be influenced to do God’s will over their own. In Phineas Gages case his personality changed when his accident damaged his brain. This helped people show the relationship between the self and the brain. If man can be influenced by changes in the brain but can still choose to act the same then it could go under the category of redemption do to it over coming the inclination to act differently. However in Phineas Gages case he started to not be able to regulate what he said do to his damage to his frontal lobe causing him to change and seem more rude. This should go under the fall because it shows how easily man can be influenced to not do God’s will.

Niccolò Machiavelli and the fall.

1 Commentby   |  09.20.13  |  Student Posts

Niccolò Machiavelli should be considered under the fall. His views about how a good leader does not always have to do a good deeds as long as his people are shown the proper way show how he can neglect morals for a greater good. Although his thoughts where shown to be more under redemption, his methods of the people he wrote about in his book the prince did not fallow moral code leading to the fall. Because he did not believe in the wellness of man but the wellness of the state over man his views where not that of an individual being more important than the greater good. When a person does not get his needs met the strength of that man’s community suffers leading his views to be wrong. He should be places under the fall because of the things he values in a proper leader. If a country is ruled under a iron fist then it is bound to decline in the long run leading his views to be placed under the fall.

Taylor Chitty Plato’s Nativism as the Fall Blog

0 Commentsby   |  09.06.13  |  Student Posts

I feel that Plato’s idea of nativism falls under the concept of the fall. If man was inherently born with rational knowledge. Then the body forgot, after it went through the processes of entering the natural world instead of the spiritual world that it was formally at then this was a loss of knowledge that leads to a decline in the ability of man, therefore the fall. If man was born with the ability to understand and know absolute truth but cannot retain or remember the knowledge except through learning and experience than that shows a fall in man’s ability to understand the things around him. However the idea of regaining the truth through knowledge falls under the idea of redemption due to its regaining of power over ignorance from being changed and better by knowledge. The loss of the knowledge in the first place would still be a fall of man. If one was born with knowledge of the world around them then people would already have a level of experience before they could even go through the experiences that they understand i feel that if you look at this from a Christian perspective this would be an interesting concept by changing the idea of faith like a child because according to this concept the faith of a child could be understood just as deeply as that of an adult. Overall I feel from Plato’s perspective he would place this under the fall because of the loss of knowledge that everyone goes through.

Taylor Chitty's Comment Archive

  1. I personally feel that pragmatism could go under redemption because it leads to a better feeling about life. If something works for a person there is no reason to try and change that belief if it leads to a change in how they act. Although i agree that pragmatism could fit under most of the categories for various reasons.

  2. I feel that this fits more under creation. I believe that emotions can be developed from external circumstances however i also feel that humans have the capacity to control their actions leading me to feel this can go under creation do to the ability to overcome emotions.

  3. Taylor Chitty on The Whole Heart
    10:36 pm, 11.04.13

    I feel that helping show others your whole self can also help them try to show the whole of them as well. Understanding all the depth of a person helps relationships by also getting a back ground of their behaviors. I also agree that this helps us see more good in people which is what God wants us to do.

  4. I agree that heraclitus’ can be placed under Creation. Because of his statement that its always changing about the river shows that things are being created to move the river.