Sarah Arrasmith's Archive

P3 Process

0 Commentsby   |  04.19.17  |  Fragments (P3), In Process Finals (P3)

P3 Final

0 Commentsby   |  04.19.17  |  Final Comps (P3)

P3 User Scenario

0 Commentsby   |  03.20.17  |  User Scenarios (individuals) (P3)

Name: Aaron

Age: 24

Location: Frisco, TX

Occupation: Rugby player, Athlete

Aaron is a rising star in the rugby world and he is looking for something to make him stand out above the rest. He hears about this new sports drink, Surge, and wants to give it a try. He never really did like that Gatorade has a monopoly on sports drinks, so he wants to know the difference between the two brands. He wants to know about the different flavors that the brand has because of his sensitive taste palate. He also wants to see if he can get Surge to sponsor him and his team as they make their way into the season finals. By simply going onto the homepage of the website he can see that all of his dreams can be fulfilled.

Sarah’s Anne-Marie Reflection

0 Commentsby   |  03.01.17  |  Anne-marie Coffee/Dialexa Reflection

I thought she was a really great speaker. Her passion for her job was an inspiration. When she was even talking about her previous job, her passion for her work showed that even though it was not what she wanted to do she put forth her full effort into work.

She brought me insight on certain aspects of the work field, especially the minor issues surrounding women. If some of the things that Anne-Marie brought up happened in my work place, I would have blown it off and simply thought that it was weird. Now that it has been brought to my attention, I can try to work it out so that I can personally combat the issues whenever I get into the workforce.

Sarah’s P2 Mockups

0 Commentsby   |  03.01.17  |  Final Comps (P2)


Sarah’s P2 Tight Comps

0 Commentsby   |  02.22.17  |  In-process Finals (P2), Progress (P2)

Sarah’s P2 Roughs

0 Commentsby   |  02.20.17  |  Rough Comps (P2)

Sarah’s P2 Wireframes

0 Commentsby   |  02.13.17  |  Wireframes (P2)

Sarah’s P2 Fragments

0 Commentsby   |  02.13.17  |  Fragments (P2)

Sarah’s P2 Inspiration

0 Commentsby   |  02.11.17  |  Inspiration (P2)





Selati Camp

