Application Packets for Study Abroad Summer Program are located in Don Morris 142.
If you are interested in participating in the Art/Design Oxford/Florence Study Abroad program stop in DM 142 and pick up the application.  This group will leave around May 15 and return the first week of July.  Jack and Robert will be taking the group.  The group will spend the first 3 weeks in Oxford and the rest of the time based in Florence Italy.  You will be doing a lot of travel in Italy.  The courses that will be offered are, on-site painting, on site photography, and an art history class.

Enjoy Art Walk Thursday, September 10th from 5:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Second Thursday of Every Month-Downtown Abilene
A Great Way to get Art/Design Credit

Check out the new ART/DESIGN BLOG at You can find information about news and events, senior shows, what’s going on at the galleries, chapel, student competitions, first&second year reviews, art event credits and the Student Handbook.  It is very important for you to download and look at your student handbook.

Cockerell Gallery- located downtown Abilene- 1133 N2nd Street.
In Transit”  The places life has found me by Jessalyn Massingill.  This exhibit opens on Sept. 10 .

Shore Art Gallery-
TALMUD and the Art of Ben-Zion and Marc Chagall,”, organized by the The Edward and Diane Knippers Collection.   This exhibit opens in September.    This is an excellent way to receive art/design event credit.

Art & Design Chapel/ Mary Mother of Jesus in the Shore Art Gallery.
Ginna Sadler will be speaking.  Sept. 10th

Female Figure Drawing Models Needed/ Models Wanted- For Fall ACU Figure Drawing classes.  Get paid to hold still!!!
Models pose in swimwear or shorts for various lengths of time from 30 seconds to 30 minutes.  All shapes and body styles welcome.  Hours we need you are TR 1:30-4:20  (please check your schedule before filling out application, and make sure that you can model entire time).  Inquire in the Art and Design Dept. office (DM 142) or call bev at X2085.

Graduating in December// If you are planning on graduating in December and haven’t contacted Bev in Don Morris 142.  Please do so ASAP.