Weekly announcements for week of January 25th:
  • Monthly Interior Design Chapel will be next Tuesday, February 5th, in DM 209. The topic will be ASID-American Society of Interior Designers. This will be an informational discussion about benefits attached to membership and opportunities it affords during the semester. Lunch will be served immediately following in the same room. Sign up for lunch (free of charge) on the RSVP list on the Bulletin Board in the DSGN hallway.
  • The Project Merge team meets during chapel on Tuesdays. If students want to learn more about this year’s project and how they can participate, they are welcome to come to a meeting and/or contact Morgan Hudson (mmh09b@acu.edu)
  • At 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 30, there will be a special Art and Design Chapel held in DM141. This will be a time of remembrance and prayer for Lindsey Smith, her family, and the other students who suffered injuries in Friday’s accident. A few of you knew Lindsey very well. She traveled with the Art and Design Study Abroad program this past summer. Others may have known her only incidentally. Now is the moment to come together in support of one another as we grieve and pay tribute to Lindsey for the joy and blessings she brought to our lives. Please join us on Wednesday. Anyone who would like to participate by sharing a memory or story about Lindsey, or offer a personal prayer on her behalf, is encouraged to do so. Please contact Arlene Kasselman at axk04g@acu.edu as soon as possible.
  • Summit Student Art Contest: The 6th annual Student Art Contest for Summit is open for submissions. The ACU Ministry Events Office calls any current ACU student to submit their original artwork, photography, drawing, painting, or other creation to visually communicate the 2013 Summit theme. Submissions must be received digitally to summit@acu.edu by February 15, 2013. One select work will be awarded a cash prize of $100 and used to advertize the 2013 Summit. This years theme is Margins: Following Jesus at the Edge in Luke’s Gospel. Participants are called as disciples who follow Jesus into the edges of society. Jesus tends to hang out in the margins of society with diverse people outside of social norms. These stories, parables and teachings of Jesus, unique to Luke’s gospel, invite us to join Jesus in the margin.