LAST A&D Departmental Chapel – WEDNESDAY
We are looking forward to hearing from Ginna Sadler this week on the topic, “Encountering God in the Christmas Story” We will meet this WEDNESDAY, December 4th at 11:00am in 141.
We will only meet 4 times in the Spring and our topic will be Faith & Film.
Attention: December Graduates – Senior Blessing Lunch
Please make sure you RSVP for the Senior Blessing Lunch THIS Thursday in Shore Gallery. You all should have received the e-vite sent out by Paige a few weeks ago.
SHOELESS A&D Christmas Party THIS Thursday Night!
Notes and Joe this Friday at 7:00PM in Shore Gallery. It is a benefit concert for Project Merge. There will be coffee and deserts with music from Sunset at Ivory, Jake Rosser, the Dogwoods, and Wes Robbins. Tickets are $7.00.
BCAA Pick Up:
All work is to be picked up at the close of the exhibition*
FRI, DEC 6——– Noon to 3PM
SAT, DEC 7———- Noon to 3PM