Mandatory portfolio review on Friday, December 6th
This review should be approached as if it were a job interview. For example, a link to your web portfolio should be provided a few days prior to the interview allowing someone to review your work in order to gather questions and observations. In the interview a printed portfolio will be used to assess how you talk about and justify your work. From the way you dress to the materials you bring please prepare as if your dream job were on the line. Below are a few requirements to help guide you in your preparation.
Required Senior Review Checklist: Download Here
Senior Portfolio Review Requirements
1) Online Portfolio (8-12 Projects)
- Must have simple, concise project descriptions. (nicely set type and hierarchy)
- Clear and easy usability
- Do not over design site
- Must use Adobe’s My Portfolio, Squarespace or other platform that offers as good or better visual display of your work
NOTE: your web portfolio link should be pasted into this google document 3 days prior to your portfolio review meeting.
2) Portfolio Book (8-12 Projects)
- Cover with your name and any other relevant information
- Must have simple, concise project descriptions. (nicely set type and hierarchy)
- Printing and binding must be done through Artifact Uprising or Better. Size requirements outlined on checklist.
4) Prepared to discuss each project on your portfolio. We will have you talk about one at random.
5) Current résumé
6) List of at least five studios or agencies where you would like to intern
7) List of five designers you find inspirational
8) Ability to take notes on feedback
9) Notecards (optional)