Thursday: SPECIAL A&D Chapel

Please join us this Thursday at 11 in 141 for a chapel dedicated to praying for and encouraging Daniel Tapia, Junior Graphic Design Major, who is home in California for chemo treatments. Thank you for caring about our A&D community!

Thursday Night at the NCCIL – Matthew Reinhart

The New York Times best-selling author and creator of Star Wars, Transformers, DC Superheroes and Cinderella engineers two new pop-up books — Lego and Frozen. A special Pop-Up Talk and Book signing with be held at the NCCIL on Thursday at 6pm.
102 Cedar Street

Instagram Competition


BCAA Art Competition

The BCCA Regional Art Competition is to be hosted in the ACU Downtown Gallery. Works are to be hand delivered Friday, Nov 4 from noon to 3PM or Saturday, Nov 5 from 9-noon. That afternoon they can find out if they were accepted and, if so, there will be an Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony at Art Walk on Nov 10.
These are the links to the entry information:

There is an entry fee but there are also cash awards and it is a great opportunity for our students to participate in a professional show.

Art Studios to Rent:

The Cockerell has art studios available! Various sizes and various prices.
Facebook: The Cockerell -Upstairs
Phone: 325-829-7975
Instagram: @carolyncockerell

AIGA members

If you are a member of AIGA please make sure you have filled in the google form that is on the blog. Thank you!