Weekly Announcements for week of February 25:
- Senior Show, Signature, opening THIS Friday in Shore Gallery at 6pm hosted by Lene Botha, Emily McCommas, Bailey Evans, Kelcie Broom and Ashley Beddingfield.
- Advising Appointments: Please look back at the Advising Email sent last week and schedule your appointments so that you can get your advising code and talk through your schedule with me. Be sure and follow the steps in the email so that you come prepared for your appointment. Appointments can be booked through YouCanBookMe linked below my signature. More info here
- Mandatory Meeting is March 5th at 11:30 in Shore Gallery. More info here
- Volunteer Opportunity: The department received the following request looking for an illustrator. If you are interested please contact the writer. We do not know this individual or the quality of the book so if you choose to pursue this please be discerning. I have googled the author and checked around on Facebook and Twitter to try and get additional information but I have found very little. “I’ve recently written a children’s book that I will be publishing, and am seeking an illustrator. The job is for pay, plus the opportunity to add “published illustrator” to the individual’s resume. If anyone in your department, or any of your students, would be interested in this opportunity, please email me at ChrisSkierski@hotmail.com The book is a short children’s book, that has a strong Christian message. It would be 7 illustrations, and would pay per project upon completion. There currently is no website, and I will be self publishing. I am in negotiations with WestBow Press, but will most likely publish the book myself. I live in South Florida, so this would be a long distance project. I’d need the illustrator to do the illustrations, scan them and email them.”
- Volunteer Opportunity: I received a call from Rebecca Hargus with an interesting opportunity for student artists. the name of the store is Noteworthy, and our location is 102 S Swenson St, in Stamford, on the square. Stamford Floral is currently there, and we are waiting on them to move out before we open.Our website is currently under construction, but when it is up and running I will send you all pertinent information. I’m thinking it should be ready in the next week or so. “We are hoping to open a new bookstore on April 6th called Noteworthy with a grand opening celebration, complete with book signings, door prizes, and appetizers. It would be great if we could also have an artist in action! After the grand opening, we plan on having art classes, social media classes, book club, etc. We want to feature one artist a month, with their work on display/for sale in the gallery. The artist would be featured in the Anson American, Stamford American, and the Hawley newspapers, and we would also like to have the artist speak about their work on a designated evening.”
- Contest submissions due Tuesday Feb. 26th by 3pm: Attention Graphic Design Students: Please check out this link:http://nationalstudentshow.com/ Please note the due date for submissions is 3/1. If you get your pieces to our office by 3pm on Tuesday February 26th we will take care of shipping. Work does not have to be mounted. Follow submission instructions on the site.