Art & Design Chapel – THIS Thursday!
Join your fellow Art and Design students in 141 at 11am this Thursday to hear from Geoff Broderick in our Shift series. After this we only have one Art and Design chapel left.
Senior Show
Mark your calendar to attend FEAR NOT a senior show hosted by Riley Scroggins and Colin Havard. The show opens this Friday, November 14th at 5pm in the Shore Gallery. This is a great way to earn your Art Event credits. This is the final senior show for the semester.
Summer Classes — Check details!
Please pay attention to Summer Course information listed below the class information on the look up classes menu in my.acu when selecting courses. What are the dates of the class and be prepared for whichever term you have selected? What is the location? Abilene, Dallas, Oxford, or online because you don’t want to sign up for a CORE class that is being taught at CitySquare when you intended for an Online version. There is no drop period for January or Summer courses once the class begins. You have to have dropped it the night before to receive those hours back in your block.
Intercollegiate Student Art competition at The Center
The date for this competition has been pushed forward to January/February 2015. We will forward information as soon as we have it.