NO Art & Design Chapel this Thursday

After summit we are not going to be having a departmental chapel this week. Please go ahead and pick another chapel to attend. Thank you!

Volunteer Opportunity THIS week

There is a great volunteer opportunity this week with Connecting Caring Communities. They are building a new Friendship House (info on FH’s here) in the College Heights neighborhood (near Hendrick Medical Center). Baptist Church Builders are in charge of getting the house built and rely completely on volunteer labor. I’ll be taking my TR class out there this week during class time to help build the house.

Volunteer sign up is here:

9th Instagram Competition

Dawn Hearn is our guest judge for the this competition. Be sure you are photographing your work and uploading it to Instagram with the correct hashtag, acuartanddesign. Judging will take place THIS Sunday, so submit your work before then. We LOVE seeing student work!

Advising Appointments

We begin registration for Spring 2016 and Summer 2016 on October 26th and will continue until Freshmen get to register on November 11th. You can begin setting up advising appointments with Arlene on her calendar from October 5th. Freshmen and Sophomore students you can not receive your advising code until you meet with her so please do not delay in setting up your appointments. Juniors and Seniors you need advising codes to register also but you can choose whether to meet with Arlene or not. She would prefer to meet to ensure there are no issues on your pathway to graduation. You can access Arlene’s calendar in the link below her name where it says YouCanBookMe in her emails.

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